Angular + Typescript

Back in 2014, my blog entry was about AngularJS when it was thriving, and I really thought AngularJS was the next big frontend developing framework. AngularJS was modern JavaScript and shed light on getting data from the server among other design advantages. AngularJS was initially released on October 20, 2010, but it was only a short run for that big change. Google thrashed the AngularJS core project and completely rewrote a new Angular core and initially releasing on September 14, 2016.

Fast forward to 2020, AngularJS is completely deprecated. Sure there might be a couple diehards around the fringes, but Angular 2+ has pretty much taken precedence.
“Angular is a TypeScript-based open-source web application framework led by the Angular Team at Google and by a community of individuals and corporations.” –

Angular 2+ is a thriving framework and according to a Stackoverflow survey, the Angular framework is currently being used in about 4,04,149 web applications by local, national and global companies and corporations. As of this writing, on November 13, 2019, the stable release version of Angular framework is 8.2.14 and on January 8, 2020 a review release version of 9.0.0-rc.8.

My experience with Angular has been a love relationship. It brings me back the heavy type language and similar compilers of machine language. Angular’s typescript is trans-piled into browser readable JavaScript. We have this application entry point with the added libraries from node package manager and Node. Webpack is used to bundle modules and task runners can be optional. There are a bunch of tools in the toolbox.

I sat down and start building my first Angular framework app. While I was still pretty new to RXJS, I discovered the website is beneficial. RXJS is described visually by marbles on a pipeline. I had the challenge of learning RXJS. Angular 2+ framework incorporated Google Cloud.

Firebase is a document-based database and not SQL. Observables to Firebase are piped in and can be used with the GitHub AngularFire2. RXJS pipeline to data on Firebase. Changes can be done in real-time without delays.

Google has a UI component library design suite for Angular, appropriately named Angular Material. UI has become fundamental in building Web Apps. CSS, SCSS or SASS is optional for more UI designing to complete styles into your App.

Look up the Angular Tuts and Lessons on Videos and Docs.